Friday, 19 April 2013

Memphis Zoo

When we got up Wednesday morning  it looked like it was going to be another nice day so we decided to go to the Memphis Zoo. Nola had heard that they had Panda bears there and thought this would be a good opportunity to see them.

                                               A Panda having a lunch of bamboo twigs

                                                             sleepy Monkey
                   The Grizzly Bear den  and swimming time in the pictures below                                                                                                                   

                                                                 Polar Bear den
Sea Lions with their trainer above and some Penguins swimming around waiting for feeding time in the picture below

We will be leaving the Memphis area on Saturday morning and starting our way further north with plans to be back in Sault Ste Marie by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Wow the time sure goes by so quickly it just seems like yesterday we started out on the journey south, but we are looking forward to seeing our family and especially our new Granddaughter.

Well I got to get going here we are going to check out a river boat excursion on the Mississippi, I'll talk to ya'll later and remember "keep your stick on the ice"                                                                                                                             

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Memphis Home of the Blues

Yesterday morning we headed out on a 7 hour excursion with City Line Blues Tours, to take in all the sites and sounds of Memphis.
Our first stop on the tour is at the Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis and is the home of the world famous marching ducks. They told us that these ducks are pretty quick on the red carpet so if you want a picture you have to be fast.

Well apparently I'am not fast enough on the camera button as you can see in the picture above, but trust me they did go by. Fortunately someone else got the shot in the picture below.
                         At the end of the carpet they jump in the fountain for a swim.

Next stop Sun Studio's home of many recording legends like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Roy Orbison just to name a few.

In the Sun Studios cafe the stools in the pictures below all have famous names engraved on them.

   Can you guess which stool Nola is sitting on in the picture below?
    Well if you guessed Elvis you win the prize to be named some time later in the Blog.

This bridge joins Tennessee and Arkansas crossing the Mississippi River and is nick named the Dolly Parton bridge, "I'am not sure why". Maybe someone can figure it out for me and post it in comments!!
                                              Elvis status at the visitor center
A few fellow tourist having lunch with us B.B. King's Restaurant & Bar on Beale Street. Hanna's the dude in the checkered shirt sitting next to Nola traveled all the way from Sweden to see Graceland, wow now that's a fan.

                              Nola with the Godfather of Blues 91 years young Clyde Hopkins
Clyde,s brass note of fame embedded in the sidewalk on Beale Street along with about 90 others like Elvis just to name one.

After a great lunch at B.B. King's we were off to Graceland for the last half of our tour. This is the part of the day Nola has been waiting  36 years for, so I guess you could say she has been pretty patient. Below are several pictures of our tour. 

This was a great day and ended with our tour guide dropping us off at our RV park in Robinsonville just outside Memphis.
Well it's that time I better get going here so remember "keep your stick on the ice" talk to y'all  later.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

New Orleans Part 2

We sure had a great time in the Big Easy even a trip to the the city of the dead proved to be pretty interesting.

This believe it or not, is the future tomb for Nickolas Cage he purchased a few years ago

We wrapped the week up by spending all day Friday at the French Quarter Music Festival that runs from the 12th to the 14th. Wow what a great venue with 21 different stages throughout the Quarter and over 50 bands preforming all different types of music. 

Shuttle's into the French Quarter from designated parking lots were provided as driving was limited with an expected 500 thousand people expected to attend over the 4 days.

Of coarse Nola was in her glory with her name just about everywhere you go as NOLA is used for the short form for New Orleans LA

                                    Some of the crowd at one of the many stages
We had lunch at Pat Obrien's and thought we would start out with there famous drink called a Hurricane
                                                   Just out side the restaurant on Bourbon Street

Well we left New Orleans this morning and we are now just outside of Memphis Tennessee were we plan to stay for a week and take in some of the sites like Grace Land.

Okay I got to get going here and remember above all else "keep your stick on the ice" talk to you later.