Monday, 25 February 2013

Daytona 500

Well go figure who would have thought Nola was going to pick the win in the Daytona 500 before it started, and she didn't even watch it lol. Teresa and her went shopping while Victor and I watched the race on the big screen and made some serious plans to go to the races next year. That evening we all had a big feast of Lees fried chicken with all the fixins. Wow another great day in Florida.
Today was a nice quiet one with not much happening, we just stayed around the RV and watch the clouds roll by and followed the weather warnings with a tornado watch for our county. Later in the afternoon we got to contact the family back home and had a nice chat. Well leftovers tonight one of my favorites the last of the pulled pork for the other night.
Well I better get out of here "have good one and keep your stick on the ice"  By the way no tornado touch downs thank god.