Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Trip to Mexico

Hi ho Hi ho its off to Mexico we go. We are taking our first travels into Mexico this morning and looking forward to see their culture first hand and of coarse Nola has some serious shopping on her mind. We have to drive too Progreso TX where we are meeting the gang and parking on the US side and taking the short walk across the Rio Grand and just like the that we are there "wow" no border guards or showing your passport just your in. Now mind you if you are driving in you must go through a border station to enter, I guess there is so many tourists walking in for the day that they couldn't keep up with it all.

                                                  On the bridge with Rio Grand behind us

         Our friends we have meet a few year earlier in Florida that travel to Texas this year too

                                                           Bring on the shopping

                                                     Of coarse me eating again

   All of us at Dirty Als for a seafood delight planning our Mexico adventure for the following week.

Thanks for tuning in got to run remember "keep your stick on the ice" stop by any time