Saturday, 13 April 2013

New Orleans Part 2

We sure had a great time in the Big Easy even a trip to the the city of the dead proved to be pretty interesting.

This believe it or not, is the future tomb for Nickolas Cage he purchased a few years ago

We wrapped the week up by spending all day Friday at the French Quarter Music Festival that runs from the 12th to the 14th. Wow what a great venue with 21 different stages throughout the Quarter and over 50 bands preforming all different types of music. 

Shuttle's into the French Quarter from designated parking lots were provided as driving was limited with an expected 500 thousand people expected to attend over the 4 days.

Of coarse Nola was in her glory with her name just about everywhere you go as NOLA is used for the short form for New Orleans LA

                                    Some of the crowd at one of the many stages
We had lunch at Pat Obrien's and thought we would start out with there famous drink called a Hurricane
                                                   Just out side the restaurant on Bourbon Street

Well we left New Orleans this morning and we are now just outside of Memphis Tennessee were we plan to stay for a week and take in some of the sites like Grace Land.

Okay I got to get going here and remember above all else "keep your stick on the ice" talk to you later.